Thursday, July 2, 2009

"I just try to concentrate on concentrating." ~Martina Navratilova

Ok, seriously, thats where I'm at right now. I just wish that I could focus on one thought.

I really want a job working with dogs. Any animal would be ok, but it sure would be nice to do something for a living with dogs. I really think that I'd like to become a police officer, and to be very honest, I think that I'd be pretty good at it, but I'm too old and too fat. The fat part I could work on, but at 25, aren't I too late to start that? I'd really like to be a K9 officer, but from what I understand, it's kind of like going into the millitary. You get to be a grunt until that spot opens up, and then you can slide into it. Blah.

On the topic of being fat. I am working so hard at losing weight and I sure wish that it paid off fast. I'm losing, dont get me wrong, but it seems to happen so freakin slow! I know, i know, the doctors told me the same thing. You didn't put the weight on over night, it's not going to come off over night, but damnit, it sure is a LOT less fun losing it, than it was gaining it. I miss my pastries and my cookies! If anyone local knows of a good trainer that is relativley inexpensive, I'd LOVE to talk to them. Would also be willing to barter work. I can work on cars, i can train dogs, I can work on computers. It just seems like the people's skills that I need never seem to need my skills! lol.

I'd also really like to go back to college and get an actual degree. I know, i know. I have a certificate from a votech school. It's not the same. I worked my ass off my deans list/honors/best of the best certificates from LTI, but it's not the same as a degree. It sure seems like that little piece of paper holds me back from a lot. People wont even consider talking to me if I dont have one. And they dont even care what your degree is in. They just want you to have one. It sure seems like life experience doesn't count for a whole lot now a days. I learned more in the past two years from life experience than I did from my two years in college. There a lot of jobs, that I really think that I'd be good at, that say "need BS" or "need 4 year degree", and I just pass over them, because jobs like that dont even bother calling me in for an interview. It's like I am at the worst possible age to get a job without a degree. I am too young to have experience to compensate for it, and I am too old to go back to school, because i have a family to support. It sucks.

Beyond all that, I am getting sick and it sucks. I really wish that I could curl up on the floor with my dog under my desk (yeah, i love being able to bring my dog into work with me) and snore with her.

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